Unique But Needy Applications of Solar Power

Solar power, a free source of energy from the Sun, is the key to a clean energy future. This never-ending source of energy is far more than everything you need to power everything on Earth. Every life on Earth is supported by the Sun. This amazing source of energy provides us with both light and heat by fusing hydrogen into helium at its core. This is called solar radiation. Only about half of this solar energy reaches the Earth's surface. The rest is either absorbed or reflected by clouds and the atmosphere. Still, there is enough energy received by Earth to power the needs of all mankind, even millions of times more. Supplying energy to factories and households and cutting the cost of electricity there is more than solar power panels do. If used efficiently, this energy can be used in domestic and commercial sectors, such as, in commercial HVAC service in California . No matter how much you need. It can also be used when the Sun is down by storing it. Let's h...